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    God's Word is a precious treasure—a treasure that can be shared yet kept: it multiplies and never loses its value.

    "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us"
    2 Corinthians 4:7. (See also: Matthew 13:44)

    By sharing Truthforkids with others you are helping to increase the kingdom of heaven. 

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    Website comments and feedback

    • I thank God I came across this website. I definitely will make use of all items as I am full-time in kids ministry. Email: T.
    • Just wanted to say thank you for making available Uncovering Bible Treasure and various activity sheets, especially the Missions Awareness. God bless you! Email: D.K.
    • I just wanted to say thanks for your “Truth For Kids” website.  I have been presenting the kid devotionals to my son and daughter before they go to bed at night.  The website is a great resource and blessing to my family. Email: J.V.
    • I want to commend you on this web resource. It is perfect for children, of course, but I have a ministry to adults with mental challenges and I find it extremely useful for them as well. Email: T.C.
    • [Regarding the devotional] "Honestly, I wish I could have read it as a child! I am very glad that you are publishing your writing, which will be used as an excellent Christian instrument for many children like my son to learn more about God’s Word!" Email: J&E
    • Thank you for providing this resource [Uncovering Bible Treasure] to others who supply the Gospel to children. Our work is small with a very limted budget, but you have made it possible for us to share an activity book where it would not be possible otherwise. God bless. Facebook: W.G.
    • Thank you for creating this website!!! This website has the tools that I have been praying for to assist our Kids Church Ministry. I'm so grateful that you follow the Holy Spirit and created this site. There are not enough words to express my gratitude and appreciation. Thank you for your obedience to the Lord. Email: K.H.
    • I downloaded your “Uncovering Bible Treasure” to print and send home with the children in our after school Good News Club, so they have a tool to help them grow in the LORD over the summer. Many of the children do not go to church. May God bless you for making this available and bless the children as they read it and do the activities. Email: S.T.
    • Thank you for this site. It will be a big help for me as a Sunday School Teacher. God bless you and your ministry! Email: P.R.
    • I LOVE, like crazy insane, LOVE when I find a great new website! Facebook: B.B.
    • Thank you! It's probably the best daily devotional we've seen and we've looked quite a bit. Email: M.V.
    • Thanks and God bless you for these wonderful materials provided to assist us teach the children God's Word. Email: B.O.
    • I keep looking at all the things on your website thinking, this is all free?!? I've been doing the daily online devotions with my kids since the school year started, and they are fantastic! Exactly what I was looking for, deep without being too long, with a daily verse for all of us to write out. I am just amazed. Thank you SO MUCH for making this available! Your efforts have really blessed my family. Email: L.S.
    • This website has helped me out in a huge way in my youth working position and I love how all of the material is age appropriate! Just wanted to pop by and let you know it's much appreciated! Email: R.B.
    • Thank you so much for your awesome resources. I'm always looking for a bible lesson for ages 4-8 and that's not easy to find for that age group. Your crafts are great far a 4 yr old to an 8 yr old. Thank you again and God Bless... Email: M.P.
    • I just stumbled upon your website and I want to thank you for all the free materials. They are such a blessing and I cannot wait to implement them. Thank you again! Facebook: D. M.
    • I am so blessed with your website. I find it very useful to volunteers like us. May God richly bless you with wisdom and knowledge to make His Kingdom come. Facebook: M.P.
    • I love the book The Bible made easy. We picked it up as a gift for my niece and are still reading it ourselves and may have to get another copy! Email: T.
    • [Uncovering Bible Treasure] - This is a comprehensive, interactive 65-page, kid-friendly Bible-teaching help. There is a lot of "meaty" information. Kids often know the familiar Bible stories, but don't really see the whole picture. Facebook: SS.
    • I just wanted to tell you, thank you so much for all the resources that you give in your web page. It has been helpful to teach to the children and youth in my church. Also, I would like to tell you I bought your book The Bible made easy for kids at Walmart, and it has been a great blessing. Email: L.S.
    • I just want to say I really like your approach to teaching children the truth of God and the love of Jesus. I have 3rd-6th grade children during church time and your site has given me some great ideas. Thanks! Email: H.L.
    • Exellent Resources for kids for a time such as this, especially appreciated by me involved in kids Ministry. Facebook: A.M.
    • I found your online devotional and my 9 year old son and I have been reading it together. I love that it goes through the bible in a year. I love that it focuses on God's word. I love that it isn't moralistic. So thank you. It is just what I was looking for. And I think it will be perfect to use for a number of years. I have shared it with so many friends and family. Email: V.
    • I have been teaching Sunday school for the past 20 years and done a yearly Bible Boot camp for 5-6th graders where we "walk through the Old Testament" in one day. This is by far the best resource I have ever found to help children understand the Bible! Facebook: L.B.
    • I'm very blessed by your work. I now have all that I need to train the little children in my neighbourhood. Thank you. God richly bless you. Email: A.A.
    • I just found the site. It's a wonderful resource with great materials. Thank you for your dedication and making his materials available at no charge. Email: C.B.
    • Thank you so much for this website. I have been praying daily for God to show me some good resources to use with my younger boys. This is such an answer to prayer! So many of the devotionals I have come across are somewhat shallow and lacking in Biblical reference. The resources here are so refreshing. Email: G.M.
    • This site makes life easy for me as a sunday school teacher and leader. Email: J.D.
    • I just want to say thank you for this free downloadable crafts and lessons for kids. My the Lord bless you abundantly. It really helps a lot, specially to our Sunday School Ministry. I'm from Philippines. Email: J.B.
    • Your website is an answer to prayer. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for the perfect way to incorporate bible study, devotion etc. in an applicable and heart-filled manner. ... I've been telling moms I know all about your resources and am so excited. Your advice about getting started, and info about child baptisms, and accountability and so much more - really spoke to me as well and brought great comfort! THANK YOU and God bless you and your efforts - you will be changing lives for Christ for sure. Email: K.
    • I do Children's Church at our church and I don't have a craft skill at all, thank you for all your craft ideas. I'm blessed to have found your site. Email: H.S.
    • Thank you so much for your lovely website and all the freebies. We own your Devotion book. I really appreciate that you have stuck to the Word. There is so much out there on the internet, but it is sometimes so far from the Bible that I don't think the children learn much about our Lord, but learn more about “being good”. I will use some things here for “my” children at church, and also in my homeschool with my own children. Much appreciated. Email: L.G.
    • Thank you Dave for making, collecting and posting these resources. I am looking for activities for a kids camp and will be using some of the resources from your website. May God continue to bless you with time, ideas and resources to continue this work for His glory. Email: M.S.
    • I love these devotions - so inspiring. These devotions help me face all the evil and discouraging things in the world. Thank you for writing this encouraging devotional book. Email: S.
    • We are starting a children's ministry at our small church. I just wanted to say thank you to and your staff. This website is a great resource to help us get started. We are molding young lives for Christ. Email: K.
    • I am so gratful for this website! I will be sharing a.s.a.p. Also I will be purchasing the Bible for kids on Amazon!!! This is amazing that these resources can be available to me. I am a mom of 5 and we are homeschoolers. God bless you. Email: R.
    • I just came across your website and I'm IN LOVE with it! It's nice to have some material to fall back on, or even dependent on-- and I've finally found it! I'm very involved in Children's Church at my church... Email: A.T.
    • I am a grandmother that has been raising four grandkids between the ages of 4 through 10. I am so grateful and thankful for coming across your website. Thank you for providing free bible resources that enables people like me to teach at home good sound biblical truths. Email: L.
    • Thank you so much for offering this to parents! You are amazing. You will be a part of so many kids learning about a growing in God! Facebook: S.K.
    • The book [Uncovering Bible Teasure] is really a blessing. Coming from a small church with a tight budget, this is a really big help for us. Thank you and God Bless. Email: G.A.
    • Thank you so much. The preschool devotional is perfect for my 3 and 5 year old. Its the only devotional I have found for them. It created really good discussion. Really love to share this with the Children's ministry at church. Email: V.W.
    • I love the devotionals. I read them every night. They inspire me sooo much. I thank who ever created this website - it is amazing!!!! The Lord has done so many things for us we should thank him. Devotions Post Box: C.
    • We are homeschooling our children for the very first time this year. I was recently looking for devotions for our children and ran across this web site. What I have read and looked at thus far I'm very excited about it! I have told other people about it and posted it on FB for others to see. It is very important for ALL children to read the word and understand the word, and this website makes it very easy for them to understand. Thank you for your truth that you put on here. I'm loving everything about it! Email: C.J.
    • Ever since I started on truthforkids I have been getting better grades and just being a good kid. Thank you so much for creating this website and I keep you in my prayers always. Devotions Post Box: G.
    • I search several times a year for ideas when it's my turn to teach Children's Church. I don't know why this is the first time I've found your website!  THANK YOU!  It is the best I've ever seen.  It has everything, and all of it is BIBLICALLY SOUND! The crafts are amazing.  Thank you so much for all of the work and TIME you have put into this!  May God bless you for what you are doing for Him! Email: J.
    • May the LORD continue to bless you Truth for kids!!! Because of you, so many of us kids learn what it means to have quiet time with the LORD!!! You have really made a big difference in children's lives. I am going to introduce this to my friends that don't know Jesus Thank you so much for being disciples of the LORD!!!! Devotions Post Box: A
    • I have been searching for free Bible activities for Sunday School for a very long time. Never seen these before, but they are amongst the best I have found. Thank you so much. They are not over complicated either, just wonderful ideas. May they continue. Thanks. Email: S.P-H.
    • I am writing this message to let you know how grateful I am for discovering your website. I am currently unable to go to church with my family and decided to look for activities to do on the Sabbath. I thank you for all that you do to help us to share the word of God with our children in a fun and interactive way. Email: R.J.
    • We have searched high and low and even bought books.. looking for the best devotions for our family. I found your website, I know with Gods help. I had prayed asking God for help in finding what was right for our family. We want to say thank you for what you all have done on this website. We absolutely love these devotions. And I share your web page with everyone we know:) The Lord has tremendously blessed our family through these devotions. We just want to say thank you. Email: T&K. B.
    • I'm married and mother of 4 beautiful kids age 9, 8, 6 and 1. I just want you know, when I searched for a devotional for my kids vacation, I was very impressed when I found Truth for Kids. I started to cry because the Holy Spirit touch my heart and showed me how much you love Him and the children. Your work is not in vain. Praise the Lord for your life. I don't know how many people found this site, but I'm sure this site is a great way to share God's love. You're in our prayers. God bless you. Email: K.F.
    • Truth for kids has helped me so much. Not only with my trust in the Lord, but how he works too. God is awsome in all kinds of ways. This website really does change my faith in God, and because of that I am glad. Devotions Post Box: V.
    • I can't begin to thank you enough for your website! I wanted to prepare some materials for the innercity kids (in another nation) that I felt led to reach but didn't know where to start so I prayed and your website is definitely an "exceedingly abundant answer to my prayer! Praise the Lord! Thank you for so generously sharing what you know with people like me. Email: A
    • I think your webpage is terrific! Thanks for sharing this...for free! It's wonderful. I appreciate you sharing the grace. Email: M.P.
    • I am so thankful I found this website. I was about to give up my Wednesday night class ... Now I can search this site, along with praying over the lesson, and find something the kids should know more about from God's word.  Thank you again! Email: D.
    • Dear Truth For Kids, thank you for making these daily devotions for kids. It helps us learn about what we need to do in life with God's help and shows us what we are to God. You are incredible people and a blessing! Thank you! Devotions Post Box: A.
    • Wow, what an amazing resource your book, Uncovering Bible Treasure is! Thank you so much for sharing. Facebook: K.T.
    • I help with a parent/child Bible study through our church and am always looking for good solid material to help communicate the subject each week. This site is truly remarkable. I wish I had found it two years ago. Thank you for posting all this spiritual food for the spiritually hungry. God Bless. Email: K. B.
    • This site is awsome and very organized. Someday this is going to help a lot of people and right now it's even helping my class and me. Email: L. (Child - devotions)
    • Truth for kids is an amazing website it helps me with my quiet time. Thank you. Email: K.
    • Thank you for your words of encouragement. I have written down the verse you gave me and put it next to my bed! Me and my family love your website and read the devotionals every night after dinner! Thank you and God bless you! Devotions Post Box: J.
    • I am a school teacher and I use all your resources. This website is amazing; feels like Christmas morning every day I am on it. Well done on an amazing site. Email: R.d.P.
    • Your site is awesome. The kids love the activities and crafts!!! Email: S.D.
    • I am a Child Evangelist with Word of Life Bible Church in Warri, Nigeria; so you can imagine my joy being able to get downloadable materials from Truthforkids. What a wonder, just at a time when we are trying to put together an Activity Book for our children; for effective teaching of God's Word. My prayers are that you be fully equipped and inspired for this good work. Know that these materials will go a long way to make our work in (Children Evangelism Ministry) CEM very effective. Email: S.O.
    • A relevant site for kids and parents to explore, for daily devotions and other activities. Facebook: A.T.
    • This website has the best resources for Children's Bible Study.  I'm finding many useful resources and materials! Email: C.A.
    • "Truth for Kids brings our family closer as we join together in prayers and devotions. God bless." Devotions Post Box: L. & B.
    • Thank you so much for your Devotional, Living Great for God! I am a teenage Girls' Ministry Leader, and I am always looking for resources to use for our group. Your devotionals are fun and simple. Their teachings are awesome. I use them as a correspondence to the topic we are discussing. The girls in my group love them! Thanks again. Email: K.
    • My son and I have been blessed by the truth for kids online devotion. It has been extreemly inspiring and encouraged us to a better understanding of the bible. Thanks again for your service to God. Email: O.T.
    • We have used a lot of your material and info in Sunday school and I would like to say a big thank-you. Email: Z.
    • Just wanted to say thanks! You have a very cool site and I used it previously to teach our church sunday school kids about how God cares (for the birds and us - using your balancing raven idea as the craft) and tomorrow I'm using the God is awesome idea/craft. Thank you. I appreciate that you have made these things freely available and they are so well laid out and easy to follow/use. Really appreciate it. I'll be back for more! : ) Email: L.
    • I found your site tonight. You have so many wonderful ideas - I can't wait to put them to use with the children. Thank you for sharing all you do. Email: C.S.
    • I am a grade three teacher in a private school in Johannesburg, South Africa. I absolutely adore your online devotions and read them with my class every day... Email: R d.P.
    • I wanted to let you know that I am fascinated with your site. I am using the Truth for Kids devotions in our weekly chapel services at the preschool where I am a director. Thank you for being a faithful servant. God bless you! Email: J.M.
    • Thank you for all your wonderful work. I've been searching for fun & simple ways to help teach my niece at home in our daily study time. These pages will be very helpful to add to some of the things God has already set on my heart to teach her. Thanks again, may God bless you. Email: L.M.
    • I'm so glad to have found this web-site I teach at a church and really needed this web-site. Thank you so much. Email: D.C.
    • I am involved in children's ministry in a poor area of the city. Your devotionals have been a Godsend to me and my team who goes out with me. We hold a short devotional time and your devotionals are short, but very meaningful. The applications to life really hit home with the kids, who range from 5 to 17, and I can see the Lord working in their lives. Thanks for making these devotions readily available! Email: S.
    • Dear Truth for Kids, I am a mother of three children ages 6, 4, and 1. I have just recently started using the daily devotions you have provided and it has been such a blessing. We started them the night I gave my 6 year old his first "Real" Bible. He has been so excited about his Bible and Bible study time that he even reminds me, "Hey momma it's time for our Bible Study now. You gotta come on!" I want to thank you for providing our family with a focused study. You are such a blessing. I pray that God continues to use you as His tool for reaching others. Email: A.
    • Hi, I'm an occasional visitor to Russia, where I teach children from Siberia and Kazakhstan about God. Your website provides some simple craft ideas that I can make with the children without sharing a common language, even though we all have a common love for God and His Son! Thanks for all your work which you share freely. Email: K.P.
    • I came across your website and just want to thank God for your talent! Your articles, crafts, etc are so useful for my ministry with the kids and I want to thank you for sharing your ideas so freely. God bless you and your ministry! Email: N.S.
    • I found your site to be very resourceful for my mission in producing daily devotions for children in schools here in Nigeria. Email: P.
    • I am going to be teaching this year at our church. I love all of your programs and plan to use most of them. I want the kids to learn about Jesus and this can be the most interesting and fun. I don't have the money to purchase anything so this will also allow me to make some of my own crafts. Thank you so much for giving to the kids from your own faith. Email: S.D.
    • Thank you so much for all that you do!! You blessed me and my kids indeed! God will reward you!! Facebook: M.A.
    • My daughter is 9 years old and I am choosing to homeschool her this year. I would like to incorporate a Bible study into her program, so I am really enjoying your website. Thank you for offering these resources. Email: N.G.
    • What a fabulous FREE  online resource Truth for Kids is! Tons of devotional options: an app for quick and easy reading of the daily devotional, a free online devotional for preschoolers, free craft downloads, and free journaling pages. Too cool for words- you must check them out! Website link R.W.
    • Thank you for this website. I can find many resources for my children's ministry in Myanmar and Mizoram state, Northeast India. May God bless your hard work. Email: P.
    • Your site is very educative and enjoyable, and has been very helpful to me as a Sunday school teacher. Thanks and may God bless you! Email: E.N.
    • I would like to thank you for making this very useful page filled with lovely activities available. I have printed out many of these for my friend who teaches Sunday School. Email: I.H.
    • I just found the website - you have done a fantastic job! Thank you for sharing your resources. We are using your baptism material with our children to reinforce their biblical understand prior to baptism. Keep up the good work! Email: C.W.
    • Thankful for this site. I have started homeschooling and want to bring more of the Bible into our day. Email: A
    • I'm a Brazilian sunday school teacher and I'm very happy to find this site! I wish that God continue to bless your work. Email: L.M.
    • My teen sons love your website for daily devotionals...
      Email: C.S.
    • I really enjoy your site - it has made my Wednesday night Jr. Girls devotions more impactful. Email: C.O.
    • The Book [Uncovering Bible Treasure] is indeed a book of filled with treasure.  Thank you for sharing it with us Sunday School teachers who are looking for good material to teach God's precious children! Email: M.L.
    • I want to say thank you for using the gift God has given you to prepare this website to help parents that need a tool in their life to help better prepare their children's lives with a faith foundation. I greatly appreciate it. Email: C.R.
    • Our class has used these devotions [Living great for God] during the entire school year. We are so thankful that this is online for us to use. Pray for the 4th graders at our school here in Hawaii that they will continue to grow strong in the Lord...God Bless :) Email: J.
    • Praise God. I downloaded the book without any problem. I am sure with the practical activities and confessions will help kids get a clear understanding about God. Email: A.S.
    • Totally love this website - I'm printing everything out to help me to be able to teach my sisters about the gospel - thank you for sharing this! I pray it blesses families and churches! God bless you! Email: J.F.
    • Thanks for providing this great resource... My kids each read your daily reading while eating breakfast before school. As a "cautious" parent I've been reading it ahead of time to check it out, and I'm consistently grateful that you do a great job of putting the content at their level, not taking things out of context, and delivering good succinct spiritual "takeaways". Again, big thanks! Email: P.
    • Thank you very much for your assistance. This activity book will help me to train the children in the way of the Lord. Email: S.K.
    • Best Site Found! Just wanted to say thanks for making it easier to bring God to my son, especially at a time when it [God's truth] is becoming less visible in our area. Email: T.M.
    • We have been visiting your website since the end of last year and love it. I home school an 8 year old boy and a 13 year old girl... I print out the journal pages - that way they have something to look back on and see where they have come from since the start. Thank you so much for the free devotions and all the great resources. I am very grateful!!! God Bless you! Facebook: JNT S.
    • We're very grateful for this! My husband and I have made these preschool devotionals part of our dinner table talk. Excellent! Facebook: A.G.
    • Uncovering Bible Treasure: This is a blessing. It is comprehensive, foundational, and entertaining. I am considering using it for my Good News Club kids for them to complete over the summer. So many of them do not go to church. This would be a great way for them to continue learning about the Bible on their own. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. And may God bless you for making it free. We would not be able to afford to buy it for all of the children, but will probably be able to copy it for them. Email: S.T.
    • Thank you for much for this precious website. It has been so helpful. My sunday school school is grade 5-7. We are using your material to go through the important events of the Bible in one year. Thank you for sharing you gift with us. Email: G.
    • Thank you so so much for all the lovely activity and craft sheets. I can t wait to use it in our Kidz Ministry at our local church... God Bless. Facebook: N.M.
    • I came across your website several months ago when trying to find a daily devotional to do with my two daughters.  This is awesome!  We do the kids devotional online each day according to the date.  Thank you for this awesome ministry! Email: J.S.
    • Thank you for sharing. This will be a great help for me in teaching children every sunday. God bless your ministry. Facebook: J.A.
    • Just found this wonderful resource!! Can't wait to share it with my kids. Facebook: C. G.
    • I absolutely LOVE your page. We use your devotions at home! The index is a wonderful tool when we have specific issues we need to deal with. It leads us right to the appropriate devotion to help little eyes and little hearts understand how God wants them to see and react to certain situations. Your devotions are a wonderful leap pad that enables us to jump start deeper discussions with our children. Thank you for sharing. 
      Facebook: S. M.
    • I thank God for you.  I have been searching for a website that would assist me in reaching the children of my church and also my grandchildren. Thank you for following the insight that the Holy Spirit gave you. Email: S.C.
    • I just found your page! I am an Elementary Bible/Christian Ed. teacher, and I am so excited to have found your page as a great resource in my class lesson planning! Thank you for sharing! Facebook: S.M.
    • Truthforkids is an AMAZING resource for moms who want to teach their kids to know and love God. Facebook: L.B.
    • This book [Uncovering Bible Treasure] will be good for our kids at our community project for the poor. Email: A.S.
    • I praise God for the wonderful website. I appreciate all your efforts. this is really a  good website that all children must be encouraged to visit regularly. Email: N.M.
    • Hi, I volunteer at my church to plan and take Sunday school and also the youth club on a Wedneday. This sites has been a wonderful resource of ideas. I just wanted to say thank you. Email: L.A.
    • Thank You for Your wonderful devotions! We use them nightly! Facebook: C.M.
    • Have just found this website and its fab, thank you so much. my children are 10 and 8 and this is great. Email: F.B.
    • I loved your site. Great tools professionally and spiritually presented.  I will share at this upcoming teacher's seminar as part of my internet tools section. Email: J.E.
    • Thanks for creating such a wonderful (really very needed) page. We want to include our 2-3 year old in our devotions [I believe]. Email: T.M.
    • I thank you guys for that kind note about school. Right now I am doing my devotion before going to school... Online prayer request: Child
    • I wanted to thank you for a wonderful website, full of excellent resources. I have just become a children's worker at my local church and I am very excited about how our children will grow in their walk with God by using your resources. God bless you  Facebook: J.DM.
    • I want to thank you for this wonderful site. We praise God for your life. This is a most wonderful site for the spiritual development of children. My team and I were looking for resources for our Summer Bible Club when we stumbled gloriously on Truth For Kids. All we need is here and we just want to say Thank you. May God continue to bless you and enrich you with wisdom and deep insight to carry on His work in Jesus name. Email: G.A.
    • I would love to thank you truth for kids for praying for me and God has answered our prayers my toe after months and months of waiting it finally got healed and i learnt a very valuable lesson that god will do everything in his time and if you want to be a true christian you must have faith, trust and patience towards Jesus and once again thank you for praying for me. Online prayer request: Child
    • I have printed out you age-level characteristics of children to help me plan activities for the different ages. It is wonderful to have this to refer to. Facebook: K.L.
    • My 7-year-old son and I are really enjoying to online devotionals! Thank you! Facebook: J.T.
    • I just wanted you to know that I used your Truth for Kids with my granddaughter this summer for our own VBS. She really loved the activities, and each day she would take home her notebook and work on the next part. She would come back the next day having read the Bible verses and the next chapter. She wrote a summary of what she'd read. We read all of the verses aloud... Email: A.A.
    • This looks like a great place for resources to help teach my kids about God and His word. Thanks for caring about kids and their eternal destinies. God bless! Facebook: L.H.
    • Hi, my name is Vindi and i love the devotional.Everyday i read it and it touches my heart and pulls me in the right path.
      Email: V. V.
    • Just discovered the wonderful resources which are suitable for my primary classes. Thank you so much for the amount of work. I am using the soccer game this week as the students love kicking goals. Email: H. K.
    • I pastor a newer church plant here in Ontario, Canada.  I came across your site when searching for healthy material for our very young church.  We have a lot of young families, and this has been a great resource of great ideas for our families. Thank you. Email: J. M.
    • Many thanks for the link to your interesting and instructive website. It is important that children be well instructed in the Truth, and the Bible is full of interesting accounts that engage their attention, especially when told in an interesting way as you suggest. Email: G. M.
    • Thank you so much for this website, I am one of the leaders who run Kidzclub at Bli Bli. I am from Bli Bli Comunity Baptist Church and I am alwasy looking for more ideas and this site is fantastic. I always have trouble finding craft ideas for Teen Boys; there is so much out there for girls. Blessings. Email: A. A.
    • This is an answer to prayer. I run the kid's ministry of a very small church and we have a small budget and finding curriculum can be a challenge at times. I appreciate this resource. Email: C.
    • My family and I serve in the Middle East and resources aren't always so easy to come by. Thanks for a walk through the word that is for kids, it is a great thing! Email: T.G.
    • My boys are 7 & 5 yrs old and really enjoy this devotional [I believe]. We are about half-way through the book now and will restart again when we finish. Just wanted to say how much we appreciate you sharing this ministry tool.  We have been reading several different 'kid friendly' devotionals for several years.  But my older son (7) was touched by the Lord through this devotional and gave his heart to Jesus Christ a couple weeks ago!  Praise the Lord for His boundless grace and mercy! Email: K. F.

    Truth for kids


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