Decision card / Commitment card

A decision card should be introduced to a child only when he/she has made a commitment to follow Jesus. The card has no value as such in the salvation process; it is merely a tangible reminder of the decision that the child made.

Being spiritually immature, a child may rely to a greater extent on ‘feeling saved’ and as a result lack assurance of salvation. This uncertainty often results in a number of recommitments - just to make sure. While a recommitment is not wrong in itself, and can be due to an increased spiritual understanding, children coming forward to pray the 'sinners prayer' repeatedly should be assured that once they are born into God’s family, they become His children forever, even if and when they slip up. Imperfection does not disqualify us from running the race! (Philippians 3:12-14).

The card should be seen as something that will give a child the assurance that just as his/her name is written on the card, it has also been written in the Book of Life in heaven.

It is best that children write their names on the cards themselves, as the act of doing so reflects the personal decision that they have made.

Once completed, the front of the card can be covered with clear plastic adhesive to make it more durable.

The template below includes Bible verses on the back. Click on the title below to download the template.

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    Decision card

    A tangible reminder of a child's commitment to follow Jesus.